Please see ClassDojo for updates and changes due to Hurricane Debby.


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How to Apply

Please review the presentation prior to applying

*Count represents Capacity and Openings as of 01-23-25. As seating is ongoing, this may change daily.

2024-2025 School Year- Open for Application

Current Students and Siblings of Current Students:

Steps to Enrollment:

*Preferential seating is given to students in the following situations:

**Retained Student Seating

1008.25 Public school student progression; student support; reporting requirements…
(a)No student may be assigned to a grade level based solely on age or other factors that constitute social promotion.

Teachers at Horizon Charter monitor students closely and utilize many strategies to ensure that students are ready to matriculate at the end of the school year. Parents of students who are “at risk” are required to meet regularly with teachers and Action Plans are used to promote the best possible outcome. Interventions include, but are not limited to: intensive classes, tutoring, home practice programs, smaller and more frequent reading groups or smaller math groups. Retaining a student is a tool of “last resort” and will only be used when it is clear that a student cannot successfully address the work at the next grade level. Should a student need to be retained, it is strongly advised that they have a different school experience the next school year.

Should the parents of a retained student wish for their child to remain as a student at Horizon Charter every effort will be made to accommodate that parent. To achieve that goal, we will refrain from seating any external candidates until it is determined whether or not that seat will be needed for a retained student.

During times of high enrollment, it may occur that the advancing class will fill all available seats: leaving no available seats for that retained student. Should this be the case, then the student (s) who are advancing on schedule will be deemed to have the prior claim to those seats. The retained student shall be place at the top of the wait list for that grade. In the case of multiple retained students, the seating committee will place the students on the wait list in the order that is deemed most appropriate. Parents will be advised of the situation as soon as possible, and the group will create an alternative plan for the student. Should there be no seat for that retained student, Horizon staff members will support that family in securing an appropriate educational setting.



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